To Do Lists, Ducks, Duck Eggs & Ephemeral Snowmen


  As we take our first steps into November's dew,  I feel motivated and inspired to make some moves & take things up a notch.  I've begun thinking up a storm of projects I want to get done before Christmas rolls around.  However, being the pretty easily distracted / sometimes disorganized fella I can be; I have decided to utilize making lists.  Yes!  The good ol' fashion list.

(quote from The TAO of making lists… )

As we always say;  

A list can really help line up the ducks; as to make sure the eggs aren't laid under the porch,  or in hollowed tree trunks.. lost forever lost.    Yes!  You want those eggs to make it to the pan, and get served sunny side up;  like that flower!  …I forget it's name….  "

…Ya know what I mean?”

Anyways.   Things I am currently moving up or down the list are many, so,  organizing the order of projects will be key.  Currently amongst these plans we have:

  • Write the damn list, gawd dammit
  • Start putting together a fresh festive set of songs for the holidays
  • Getting a little merch' produced (t-shirts.. & maybe hoodies for the cold coming..?)
  • Finally get back to recording so I have some new sounds for the sharing

But wait, there's more!  

Also on this list,  I hope to reach out more & be better in contact with friends who help me be all I can be in this musical trek.  How can I call it,  this…  Guitar Trek.   Perhaps?

Again, as it's been said many times before;

It is only with the help of those around you that one can get the ball rolling, and thence forth have it snowball across the street to become this monster growing bigger ball that is the base foundation of the giant snowman that is to come… before all melts

I think I will end this transmission on that note… that magnificent & classic quote.  Yes!  Quite right, slick…  For it warms the 5th wheel of my heart, like those little block heaters that cuddle right up to you.

To that, good evening.  And, a goodnight to you all.

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